Sunday, January 15, 2012

Electronics Recycling

Do you have old computer parts, batteries, or other electronics taking up space in your house but aren’t sure how to get rid of them? You’ve already made the right first step—these are not things that should just be put in the regular garbage. The chemicals and plastics used to make products such as televisions or cell phones are harmful to our water supply and soil if they are simply thrown away.

Responsible electronics recycling is an important topic in a world where gadgets become outdated within months of purchase. To make sure you are up to date on the proper means of disposal for electronics contact your local dump or recycling center. The City of Troy and Rensselaer County host free e-waste disposal days; dates have not yet been publicized. There are also private companies that specialize in the proper disposal of electronics.

Troy residents curious about general recycling guidelines should visit

1 comment:

  1. Recycling E-wastes is good for the nature, creates jobs and can help the less fortunate by donating old computers or mobile phones. For recycling IT equipment, one must empty them of confidential data before committing it for recycling.
