Michele Desormeau: Maintenance Team
Meet Michele Desormeau, TRIP’s newest employee at 3 months and one day. She is quick to tell people that her nationality is French although based on the different ways that people pronounce her name, it changes from Italian to German to …..
Michele joined TRIP’s maintenance team in September and has many years of experience in this field. She feels working in maintenance is challenging and rewarding work, particularly since it is not the “same old thing” every day. The work changes daily, whether it is making repairs or meeting tenants. She is exhilarated to be working at TRIP, doing everything from repairs to “make readies,” where she enjoys working alone as well as working with other maintenance staff on joint projects.
When Michele is not working she loves traveling in her RV, which is currently vacationing without her in warm weather in Knoxville, TN. Michele recently rescued a Jack Russell terrier who she named “Jack.” Before you accuse her of having no imagination, she will tell you that her grandson thinks it’s cool when he googles Jack Russell and photos of Michele’s dog pops up.
She used to be fussy about her hair in order to look her best, which she thought was important until her best friend was diagnosed with breast cancer and had a radical mastectomy. Now she cuts it as soon as it reaches 8 inches (every 18 months) and donates it to Locks of Love to make wigs for cancer patients. She explained that she often has clips in her hair, not because she thinks it looks “cute,” but to keep the hair out of her face so she doesn’t cut it before it’s long enough to donate.
Michele is an awesome worker and a great team player. In addition to her excellent work, we enjoy seeing her smiling face when she comes into the office. Welcome, Michele!
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