![nyserda logo](https://origin.ih.constantcontact.com/fs071/1102506158891/img/192.jpg?ver=1378709470000)
Have you been thinking about upgrading your furnace, weatherizing your home, or insulating the attic? All of these projects can significantly reduce your monthly energy bills, particularly in the winter months, but they come with a hefty sticker price. You could save up for some fancy new insulation or request weatherstripping in your stockings, but there is a better way. New York now has on-bill-financing of these kinds of upgrades which we know will save money. You can get a guaranteed loan tied to your utility, which pays for the upgrades upfront, and pays for itself out of your savings right on your utility bill. If you move, the upgrades and bills stay behind, saving money for the next owner.
This is merely one of the innovated financing models available to bridge the gaps between making the right longterm decisions and affording it on the short term.
Check out the simple step-by-step guide to on-bill financing at UnwasteNY: http://www.unwasteny.org/financing
Or Jump right to NYSERDA's program page to learn more:
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